
3rd Party security API Integration

Need to determine viability of third party integration capabilities and use cases? Need to develop proof of concept code to demonstrate third party integration with specific internal products? Hereuco will work with internal developers to help in researching and integrating code into existing products.

Endpoint Protection Health Check

Do you have your Endpoint Protection clients configured to match your risk profile? Has your Endpoint Protection environment remained statically configured for years? Did you inherit the existing configuration and need a review? Maybe its time for a health check.

Digital Disease Control and Prevention Environment Study

Based on the idea that cybersecurity practitioners can learn from the epidemiological communities prevention controls, investigative methods and hygiene awareness training from the CDC, Hereuco is experimenting with these concepts applied to endpoint security to improve long term digital hygiene.

Consultant background

Partner Enablement

Experienced in working with partner developers to incorporate third party products with security products in the endpoint, threat intelligence and SIEM platforms. Developed code in python, nodejs and postman for ease of partner and client integration.

Endpoint Health Check Development

Developed initial charts, graphs and prototype presentation generator while working at one of the largest cyber security software and services companies.

Endpoint Digital Disease Control Study

Researching the epidemiology domain and specifically prevention controls and studies has lead to experimentation in the use of these processes to understand digital asset health. Experimentations in Epidigitalogy has thus far revealed positive outcomes to improve overall digital hygiene by focusing on the often overlooked abberations that expose endpoints to digital pathogens.

Certs, Education and Orgs

Penn State Alumni
Graduate Information Assurance Certificate from University of Maryland Univ College
CISSP since 2003
OASIS-OPEN OpenC2 Technical Committee Member


AV Detective App for IOS
Social Identity Protection for Facebook
Partner API enablement at major security software provider
Original creator of SEP 14 Health Check
Patent #8434139

Major Presentations

Has presented Epidigitalogy "Act like an epidemiologist" at Infosec World, Bsides DC, RSA, Blackhat Arsenal and Defcon Demolabs. 
Has presented OpenC2 command generator  at Defcon Demolabs.